
Can Domestic Violence Charges Get Dropped? [Arizona]

can domestic violence charges be dropped

Domestic violence charges in Arizona carry substantial legal weight and far-reaching consequences. Can domestic violence charges be dropped in Arizona? The Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence reported 108 domestic …

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What is Considered Domestic Violence in Arizona?

what is considered domestic violence in arizona

In Arizona, domestic violence isn’t just a statistic—it’s a reality affecting thousands of residents each year. A 2017 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that almost 40% of …

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What are the Different Sex Offender Levels in Arizona?

When convicted of specific sex crimes in Arizona, it is mandatory that you register as a sex offender. There are different sex offender levels associated with the registry, which will vary on your level of risk. An Arizona agency will give you a sex offender assessment to determine the risk you pose. It will ask questions across 19 areas, and your score will determine your level. If you face charges that require that you register on the sex offender registry, contact a sex crimes defense lawyer at Gurion Legal. Call them today at (480) 800-0020.Need Quick Answers?What are the Arizona…

Aggravated Assault in Arizona (ARS 13-1204)

In Arizona, under ARS §13-1204, aggravated assault is defined as committing an assault that results in serious physical injury, involves the use of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument, or is perpetrated …

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Solicitation of Prostitution

Phoenix Prostitution Lawyer

In Arizona, soliciting prostitution is illegal under ARS §13-3214. A first offense is a class 1 misdemeanor, carrying a mandatory minimum jail sentence of 15 consecutive days. A second offense results in …

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