Arizona takes sex crimes seriously. People convicted of sex crimes may face years in prison. They may also have to register as a sex offender on the Arizona sex offender registry. If someone has accused you of a sex crime in Phoenix, you cannot afford to take your situation lightly. You must vigorously defend yourself against these charges or face losing your freedom and reputation.
Being convicted of a sex crime can follow you forever. In addition to the criminal penalties you may face, a sex crime conviction changes how people see you, affecting your opportunities for employment, socialization, and more.
A strong defense against these charges presented by an experienced Phoenix sex crimes lawyer may help you avoid jail time and other penalties while preserving your reputation. Contact a Phoenix criminal defense lawyer with Gurion Legal, PLLC today.
We represent clients facing many types of sex crime charges, including:
According to Arizona law, a person commits indecent exposure if they expose specific body parts to another person if that would offend a reasonable. The specific body parts include the genitals or anus of a man or woman or the nipples or areolas of one or more breasts of a woman. The law specifically excludes breastfeeding women from prosecution.
The penalties in Arizona for indecent exposure depend on the age of the person who saw the exposure and the number of prior convictions for the person who exposed themselves.
Arizona law defines public sexual indecency as intentionally or knowingly engaging in the following acts in the presence of another person while being reckless about whether a reasonable person would be offended or alarmed by the act:
Public sexual indecency in the presence of a person over the age of 15 is a Class 1 misdemeanor. Public sexual indecency in the presence of a person under the age of 15 is a Class 5 felony punishable by a prison sentence of six months to 2.5 years. A defendant with two or more prior felony convictions may face up to 15 years in prison.
Arizona law defines sexual abuse as intentional sexual contact with a person over 15 without that person’s consent or sexual contact of the female breast with a person under 15. Defendants in a position of trust who made sexual contact with a person 15 to 17 cannot use the minor’s consent as a defense.
Sexual abuse is a Class 5 felony. Sexual abuse of a minor under age 15 is a Class 3 felony.
Arizona law defines sexual assault as intentionally engaging in sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact with a person without their consent.
The penalties depend on the defendant’s prior convictions, whether they administered drugs to the victim without their consent, and whether they inflicted any serious injury.
According to Arizona law, people commit sexual exploitation of a minor when they knowingly commit any of the following acts with the visual depiction of a minor engaged in exploitive exhibition or other sexual conduct:
Sexual exploitation of a child is a Class 2 felony and is punishable by a prison sentence of 10 years to life, depending on the defendant’s prior convictions.
Arizona law defines luring a minor as offering or soliciting sexual conduct with another person while knowing or having reason to know that the other person is a minor. It does not matter if an adult posed as a minor or a fictitious character. A defendant cannot use the fact that the other person is an adult as a defense.
Luring a minor over the age of 15 is a Class 3 felony. Per Arizona law, if the minor is under the age of 15, the penalty is a prison sentence of five to 15 years or 10 to 24 years for aggravated luring of a minor.
Child trafficking laws target people who place minors into prostitution and those who engage in prostitution with a minor.
According to Arizona law, a person commits child trafficking if they:
Child trafficking is a felony, and the punishment depends on the age of the child prostituted and the defendant’s prior convictions. Prison sentences range from seven to 50 years.
The Arizona Department of Public Safety maintains a registry of sex offenders. This registry includes the name, address, and photograph of each sex offender and their history of convictions in Arizona. The department updates the register daily. The public can search this registry online to obtain information about registered offenders.
Arizona law requires you to register if you are convicted of:
Offenders with a single conviction for indecent exposure or public indecency do not have to register. However, the Arizona Attorney General confirms that registered sex offenders must notify the county sheriff whenever they change their address.
Registering as a sex offender will haunt you for the rest of your life. Anyone can search the registry and learn all about you. Your neighbors and community members may shun or gossip about you, preventing you from becoming a thriving community member. Defending yourself against these charges now can preserve your reputation.
Sex crime cases are often complex and require a tailored legal approach. Attorney Gurion is a Board Certified Criminal Specialist certified by the State Bar of Arizona Board of Legal Specialization. He has represented many people charged with serious crimes, including sex crimes, and works hard to reduce or dismiss charges whenever possible.
When you choose Gurion Legal to represent you against the sex crime charges you face, our Phoenix lawyers will listen to your explanation of what really happened and give you an honest assessment of the case. Then, we will present you with your options, recommend the best course forward, and craft a defense strategy that best explains your side of the story.
There is no one-size-fits-all defense when it comes to a sex crime case. Our lawyers serving Phoenix will work to create a defense that fits your story and fights against any evidence against you.
Depending on the charges you face, we may consider possible defenses such as:
We can consider these defenses and others based on the specifics of your case. Whatever charges you face, we will vigorously defend you against them.
You face drastic consequences if you are convicted of a sex crime in Phoenix. In addition to a long—possibly lifelong—prison sentence, you may have to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life. With your personal and professional life at stake, you must not be cavalier when defending yourself against these allegations.
Let a lawyer with experience handling sex crimes cases like yours craft a strong defense on your behalf. If you have been charged with or are under investigation for a sex crime, contact the team at Gurion Legal today. Contact us online or call (480) 800-0020 now, so we can start working together to build your defense.